Cartaro beim Google Summer of Code 2014

Google Summer of Code 2014

Under the hood of OSGeo Cartaro will be one of the projects involved in the Google Summer of Code initiative. For the 10th year in a row Google brings together students from all over the world to encourage the development of open source software. Supported by a 5'500 USD stipend students are enabled to work during three months in the summer on a self-contained open source project. The assistance of experienced mentors will give the students an insight in the real-world process of software development and will also support the successful termination of the projects.

For Cartaro we have four project ideas so far:

Please check the Drupal page for details on these proposals. Of course all students are welcome to discuss these ideas or to add their own. For all technical issues you may use the issue queues on the Drupal site. For all other questions you may contact the mentors for Cartaro directly at More general information is available from the OSGeo wiki and at Google Melange.

Student registration starts on March 10 and closes on March 21. So don't loose time and apply now!

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